Searching for and finding matching wigs by attributes can be time consuming. The following form can help. First select only the most important criteria and then refine the specifications. Otherwise the ad will result in hundreds of wigs, or no wig at all!
Please note: The color must be entered exactly as in the color tables of wigs. Example: 1, 2/4, 56, 119, N14B/22T+12 etc.
The following pages with the wigs can, due to the many pictures and color in the price list, be very big! For each offer is available in full on one side. Nevertheless, we consider this solution as the most user-friendly, as a confusing around leaves is avoided, which would certainly not faster in the end.
Payment Options
The payment options:
Cash in advance on postal accountCash in advance Remit us the amount to our PostFinance account: BIC / SWIFT code: POFICHBEXXX euroSIC Clearing number: 09000 IBAN: CH80 0900 0000 8776 4568 5 Swiss Post PostFinance Nordring 8 CH-3030 Berne
PayPal You will receive from the Company a PayPal payment request. You pay it to PayPal (bank transfer, credit cards). After paying, we get the message that you have paid and we will send you the products.