Zwickystrasse 2, CH - 8304 Wallisellen
Phone: +41 44 310 14 25

Flagge DeutschlandDiese Seite auf Deutsch:
Firmenangaben mir Kontaktformular
Drapeau FranceLa page en français:
Coordonnées de l'entreprise avec formulaire de contact
Bandiera d'ItaliaQuesto lato su italiano:
Dettagli azienda con modulo di contatto
Bandera de EspañaEsta página en español:
Datos de la empresa con formulario de contacto

Company details with contact form

Please let us know what you think of our website, our company and our products. Please also write to us how and when we can reach you if we have any questions.
Please use the following contact form.
Los detalles de nuestra empresa, como la dirección, las cuentas, el IVA y el número de AHV / IV se enumeran a continuación.
Thank you for your interest.
Esperamos recibir su mensaje.

We cannot correspond about the different methods of hair treatment.

We do not send catalogs and brochures, as well as perform exactly this detailed websites. However, all web pages can be printed out well.

Contact form

We would be pleased if you made active use of our contact form.


Company details

Email Office:

Tel: +41 44 310 14 25

VAT No. 449 993

Company Identification Number
: CHE-104.896.224 MWST


euroSIC Clearing No.: 09000
IBAN:CH80 0900 0000 8776 4568 5
Swiss Post, PostFinance
Nordring 8
CH 3030 Bern

AHV / IV - Services, Code number: NIF 402169

Zudila AG, Barberia
Zwickystrasse 2
8304 Wallisellen

Data protection

All personal data received will only be used by us. All data received from this website is analysed statistically, but anonymously, by various services of Google and similar providers. We also use cookies for this purpose. If there is any correspondence or business transaction, it is mandatory that we keep the data for ten years. Upon request, we will inform you of all the data we have stored about you.


If you pay by PayPal, PayPal receives your contact details and the invoice amount, but no information about the purchased items. If you pay by invoice, we check the existence of your address with the post office. We have your creditworthiness checked with Intrum AG.

Payment Options
The payment options:Cash in advance
on postal accountCash in advance
Remit us the amount to our
PostFinance account:
euroSIC Clearing number: 09000
IBAN: CH80 0900 0000 8776 4568 5
Swiss Post
Nordring 8
CH-3030 Berne
You will receive from the Company a PayPal payment request.
You pay it to PayPal (bank transfer, credit cards).
After paying, we get the message that you have paid and we will send you the products.