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Men's wigs / Toupees, Sentoo

Men's wigs and toupees in various designs and qualities, colors and prices.
Men's wigs can also be worn over your own hair. Toupets are adhesively attached directly to the scalp.

All listed products come from our range with various brands.

Proceed as follows:

  1. Choose among the models shown below your desired model.
  2. Click the Photo, you go to the page with all the information on the appropriate model (price, color, type, order).

Limit selection to one brand: :

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SENTOO is a wig brand of the Aderans Group with several own production facilities and branches worldwide. The group is one of the world's leading wig manufacturers.
The wig brand SENTOO, on the other hand, has several product lines. What they all have in common is the consistently high product quality.
A wide range of different wigs is offered under the SENTOO brand, from short hair to long hair and from straight hair to curly hair.

Overview Men's Wigs / Toupees

Quantity: 3

Weft-; Brand: Sentoo; Line: Creative; -Model: AnubisAnubis
Brand: Sentoo
Line: Creative
-Model: Anubis
Price: 759.00 CHF
To side with the details and the Order.
Brand: Sentoo
Line: Creative
-Model: Anubis
Price: 759.00 CHF
Name of the -Model
To side with the details and the Order. <br />With 3 photos!
Double monofilament-; Brand: Sentoo; Line: Creative; -Model: ErosEros
Double monofilament-
Brand: Sentoo
Line: Creative
-Model: Eros
Price: 799.00 CHF
To side with the details and the Order.
Double monofilament-
Brand: Sentoo
Line: Creative
-Model: Eros
Price: 799.00 CHF
Name of the -Model
To side with the details and the Order. <br />With 2 photos!
Monofilament-; Brand: Sentoo; Line: Creative; -Model: OsirisOsiris
Brand: Sentoo
Line: Creative
-Model: Osiris
Price: 899.00 CHF
To side with the details and the Order.
Brand: Sentoo
Line: Creative
-Model: Osiris
Price: 899.00 CHF
Name of the -Model
To side with the details and the Order. <br />With 2 photos!

Price list: Models, prices and colours

Quantity 4

Price list of available colors.
BrandModel CHFCHF
Price includes Swiss VAT of 8.1 %.
Available colors for:Available colors for:
The colour designations of the wigs are roughly as follows:
the number 1 always means black, with 6 as brown and going up to blond. Numbers 50 to 100 usually indicate shades of grey.
Three-digit numbers give no direct indication.
If several colours are separate, then the first number corresponds to the colour with the largest amount of colour and is complemented by each further colour.
The letters indicate varieties, or the coloured rings that are used.
For individual colours there are partially no numbers and only colour names are used.
It is also possible that the individual colours of the respective manufacturers are slightly different.
In general: the effective colour can only be shown in nature. All coloured images on the internet may used only as reference.
SentooPhoto: Brand: Sentoo, Model: AnubisAnubistu film 759.00759.00 CHF
Price includes Swiss VAT of 8.1 %
1: schwarz; jet black
de: schwarz
en: jet black
,  1B101B10
,  1B201B20
,  22
2: schwarz; expresso, darkest brown
de: schwarz
en: expresso, darkest brown
,  44
4: mittelbraun; cappucino, dark brown
de: mittelbraun
en: cappucino, dark brown
,  55
,  66
6: dunkelbraun; dark chocolate
de: dunkelbraun
en: dark chocolate
,  77
7: medium brown
en: medium brown
,  2020
,  220220
220: light blond
en: light blond
,  350350
,  420420
,  530530
,  610610
,  1B651B65
SentooPhoto: Brand: Sentoo, Model: ErosErostu dmono 799.00799.00 CHF
Price includes Swiss VAT of 8.1 %
1: schwarz; jet black
de: schwarz
en: jet black
,  1B201B20
,  22
2: schwarz; expresso, darkest brown
de: schwarz
en: expresso, darkest brown
,  44
4: mittelbraun; cappucino, dark brown
de: mittelbraun
en: cappucino, dark brown
,  55
,  66
6: dunkelbraun; dark chocolate
de: dunkelbraun
en: dark chocolate
,  77
7: medium brown
en: medium brown
,  2020
,  220220
220: light blond
en: light blond
,  420420
,  530530
,  610610
SentooPhoto: Brand: Sentoo, Model: OsirisOsiristu mono film 899.00899.00 CHF
Price includes Swiss VAT of 8.1 %
1B: schwarz; black
de: schwarz
en: black
,  1B201B20
,  22
2: schwarz; expresso, darkest brown
de: schwarz
en: expresso, darkest brown
,  44
4: mittelbraun; cappucino, dark brown
de: mittelbraun
en: cappucino, dark brown
,  55
,  66
6: dunkelbraun; dark chocolate
de: dunkelbraun
en: dark chocolate
,  77
7: medium brown
en: medium brown
,  220220
220: light blond
en: light blond
,  350350
,  420420
,  530530
,  610610
,  20202020
,  1B651B65
SentooSethtu 789.00789.00 CHF
Price includes Swiss VAT of 8.1 %
,  22
2: schwarz; expresso, darkest brown
de: schwarz
en: expresso, darkest brown
,  44
4: mittelbraun; cappucino, dark brown
de: mittelbraun
en: cappucino, dark brown
,  55
,  77
7: medium brown
en: medium brown
,  220220
220: light blond
en: light blond
,  350350
,  420420
,  610610
,  20202020
Double monofilament
Double monofilament
It is like a monofilament, but has a second fine mesh. This makes the wig more skin-friendly.
Very fine mesh insert on the top of the head part of the wig, in which the hairs are attached directly so that the wig cannot be seen by looking at the scalp.
This also gives you the possibility to set the crown as desired.
Only high-quality wigs have a monofilament.
Real hair
Real hair
Natural hair, mostly from India. Real hair requires intensive care, similar to your natural hair. It is used less and less because synthetic hair provides more benefits.
Real hair wigs could (where possible!) be coloured, like natural hair. Real hair wigs are more expensive than synthetic hair wigs.
Film base
Film base
Like lace front.
The newest! With normal wigs, the forehead hairline is always the problem. The hair should be styled such that it is not visible. Wigs with lace front have a monofilament application up to the forehead. This is so fine that no part of the wig can be seen on the forehead hairline. With a lace front, hairstyles are possible since even the front hairline is visible.
Hand knotted
Hand knotted
Hand-knotted wigs are qualitatively the best. They are made entirely by hand. Hand-knotted wigs are mainly worn by people who are dependent on a wig.
Size: large
Size: large
Head circumference (hat size) approx. 56 cm
Abbreviation of monofilament.
Very fine mesh insert on the upper part of the wig on which individual hairs are attached directly, such that when looking at the scalp, no part of a wig can be seen.
This also gives you the possibility to set the crown as desired.
Only high-quality wigs have a monofilament.
Mono part
Mono part
Like monofilament but only with a smaller monofilament part and limited to the peg or crown.
Very fine mesh insert on the upper part of the wig on which individual hairs are attached directly, such that when looking at the scalp, no part of a wig can be seen.
This also gives you the possibility to set the crown as desired.
Only high-quality wigs have a monofilament.
Two-Tone wig
Two-Tone wig
Normally, wigs are mixed with different hair colours. Here, the hair is in one colour in its entire length.
With two-tone wigs, the individual hairs are in two different hair colours, such that the hairline is kept in a different shade. With Two-Tone wigs, very natural hairstyles are seen.
Toupees are pieces of hair that are attached directly to the scalp. Toupees are not suitable for people who still have their own hair.

For reasons of hygiene, no exchange on any product!
Delivery is exclusively in advance!

Payment Options
The payment options:Cash in advance
on postal accountCash in advance
Remit us the amount to our
PostFinance account:
euroSIC Clearing number: 09000
IBAN: CH80 0900 0000 8776 4568 5
Swiss Post
Nordring 8
CH-3030 Berne
You will receive from the Company a PayPal payment request.
You pay it to PayPal (bank transfer, credit cards).
After paying, we get the message that you have paid and we will send you the products.